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 HOME > products > Float Galss > Tinted Float Glass

TINTED GLASS is produced by the float process with the addition of small quantities of metal oxides to color the normal clear glass mix. This coloration is achieved through adding metal oxides at the smelting stage. Addition of color does not affect the basic properties of the glass, even though visible light reflectance will be slightly higher than clear glass. 
Colors: Euro Bronze, Golden Bronze, Euro Grey, Blue Grey, Dark Grey, French Green, Dark Green, Ford Blue, Dark Blue, Ocean Blue, Pink etc.
Thickness: 3mm-12mm
Sizes: 1524x2134mm, 1830x2440mm, 2140x3210mm, 2134x3300mm, 2250x3210, 2250x3300mm etc
 The body tinted float glass can reduce transmission of the sun's harmful rays by up to 80% thus minimizing fading to interior furnishings. 
 Tinted float glass can be bent, tempered or heat strengthened and in addition can be silk-screened or enameled. 
 The comprehensive range of soft natural colors compliments and harmonizes with modern building materials to provide an exciting and different look to new or existing buildings.